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Advice And Humor

Survey News Today

by Stephen Andrulis


There is an age old question that has created a rivalry among mankind: Cats? Or dogs? We explore the answer to this question and more, only on: Survey News.


Over the past week, our reporter, Stephen Andrulis,  has been out in the field interviewing people, while our electronic correspondent, Stephen Andrulis, put up a survey online. Now that this information is collected, our anchor, Stephen Andrulis, will give it directly to you, bias-free.


Now, from the information we have collected so far, it seems that dogs are the more preferred animal in the sixth grade at Saint Andrew’s School. The overwhelming reason for this seems to be that dogs are more lovable, and they give you more love than cats. However, there were a few responses from cat lovers. Their opinions are that cats are cleaner than dogs, and can be closer to you. Also, you can hold cats, and they will not wriggle and squirm like some dogs.


Here are two of the responses that we have gotten:one from the cat side, and one from the dog side.


A response from a dog lover: “I think they are much cuter and more playful, you can play with them more outside, I think more people are allergic to cats than dogs, they are SOO CUTE, also dogs can protect you more.”


A response from a cat lover: “I like cats more because cats are more independent, but still friendly and cute. Dogs are a lot more work, and they are messy and annoying."


What do you think?



The Ultimate Guide to Conquering Learning Opportunities

by Nicholas DeBalko


Learning Opportunities have recently been forming a cloud of stress over sixth graders. The truth is, there is  nothing to worry about!


Here is a four-step guide to conquering your feeling of dread:


  • Listen in class  - Practice listening in class. We all love to daydream in class, but at what cost? Teachers are always giving important information for students to follow.  By recognizing these sometimes subtle but often direct cues, you could save yourself valuable time by identifying what really needs to be done. Being on the right path from the start could save time later when you are completing an assignment.  Since you have to be in class anyway, you might as well pay attention - it’s time you will never get back.

  • Time management - We all have our own interests and we tend to do the things we like first and put off less pleasant things like Learning Opportunities. Doing a project the last minute usually results in work that looks rushed and lacks the quality St. Andrew’s students are capable of.  Start early and space your time out into manageable chunks. Work a few hours each day and take small breaks in between. Start by building your work time up. For example, try going from thirty minutes to an hour.

    Working in class is also a good thing to do. Try to use study hall to get some work done.  Again, you have to be there anyhow, and it’s time you will never recover, so  you might as well use it to preserve the hours when you are not at school. Each day that’s fifty less minutes of work to be done at home, and it’s worth it!

  • Weekends - To students, weekends are the holy grail of free time. Many students consider it sacrilegious to work on Learning Opportunities over the weekend.  However, I urge you to try it, especially if you are experiencing high anxiety Monday through Friday. An hour here and an hour there.  That’s all it takes.  The payoff is huge.  You will find that you will have better control of all your time when you put in a few extra hours on the weekend.

  • Work hard, play hard - Set a goal to finish your work and give yourself a huge reward when you do.  Tell your parents that you are going to do schoolwork early in anticipation of having more time to yourself to do the things you like. Insist that you do not want to be disturbed when you are done with your work. I bet that is a deal they will take!

  • Since responsibility only increases from here on out, we will all need to master the art of managing our priorities and time. There is still time in the year, so push hard and finish the year strong. I hope this article has helped. If you want help or more information, feel free to ask me, Nicholas DeBalko at any time. Remember: if it is important to you, you will find a way.










Dating or No Dating?


by Louise Lee


Dating in sixth grade is one question that will never have one simple opinion. Should people date in sixth grade? Sixty percent of Mrs. Campbell's class agrees that dating is a great idea, while forty percent disagree. According to an anonymous sixth grader who likes the idea of dating, “It allows you to have someone who will help you in times of need with mostly any problems you have.”


Another student said, “We should never date, and never will date, in sixth grade. I think we shouldn’t date because some people date for popularity, but if we were to date we should date someone for their personality, not how popular they are. Some people just date for popularity and never actually like the person.”


Yet another student brought up the point that, “This is always hard for some girls to find a good boyfriend if they are just dating for popularity.” In other words, people may date for the wrong reasons: for just being popular.


A sixth grader responded to the question of dating by saying: “Did people at St. Andrew’s date in first grade? No. We didn’t even know each other that well and never understood what dating even was. Did we ever date in second or third? From time to time, but there were only maybe six or seven couples throughout the whole school year of second and third.”  


It all comes down to a fifty-fifty situation. Some people think it is a good idea to have someone at your side at all times. Others disagree with dating because it can be a popularity contest where people just date to show off to their friends.



Gossip Girl

Check back here soon for more advice

from Miss Know It All.


Do you have a burning question? Write it anonymously and leave it on Mrs. O's desk...


She'll get it to the student columnists. 

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